Uses of Class

Packages that use Domain

Uses of Domain in edu.ucla.stat.SOCR.core

Fields in edu.ucla.stat.SOCR.core declared as Domain
protected  Domain GraphPanels.domain

Methods in edu.ucla.stat.SOCR.core that return Domain
 Domain Distribution.getDomain()
          This method returns the domain of the distribution.
 Domain Distribution.getMgfDomain()
          This method returns the domain of the mgf for that particular distribution.
 Domain Distribution.getPGFDomain()
          This method returns the domain of the pgf for that particular distribution.

Methods in edu.ucla.stat.SOCR.core with parameters of type Domain
 void GraphPanels.drawAxis(java.awt.Graphics g, Domain d, double c, int orientation, int type)
          This method draws an axis corresponding to a partition of an interval at position c relative to the other variable.
 void GraphPanel.drawAxis(java.awt.Graphics g, Domain d, double c, int orientation, int type)
          This method draws an axis corresponding to a partition of an interval at position c relative to the other variable.
protected  void Distribution.setDomain(Domain d)
          This method sets the domain of the distribution for purposes of data collection and for default computations.
protected  void Distribution.setMGFDomain(Domain d)
          This method sets the moment generating function's domain of the distribution for purposes of data collection and for default computations.
protected  void Distribution.setPGFDomain(Domain d)
          This method sets the moment generating function's domain of the distribution for purposes of data collection and for default computations.

Uses of Domain in edu.ucla.stat.SOCR.distributions

Methods in edu.ucla.stat.SOCR.distributions that return Domain
 Domain IntervalData.getDomain()
          This method returns the domain.

Methods in edu.ucla.stat.SOCR.distributions with parameters of type Domain
 void IntervalData.setDomain(Domain d)
          This method sets the domain of the data set.

Constructors in edu.ucla.stat.SOCR.distributions with parameters of type Domain
IntervalData(Domain d)
          This special constructor creates a new data distribution with a specified domain and the default name "X".
IntervalData(Domain d, java.lang.String n)
          This general constructor creates a new data distribution with a specified domain and a specified name

Uses of Domain in edu.ucla.stat.SOCR.modeler.gui

Fields in edu.ucla.stat.SOCR.modeler.gui declared as Domain
protected  Domain ModelerHistogramGraph.domain

Uses of Domain in edu.ucla.stat.SOCR.util

Fields in edu.ucla.stat.SOCR.util declared as Domain
protected  Domain varHistogram.domain
protected  Domain NormalCurve.domain

Methods in edu.ucla.stat.SOCR.util with parameters of type Domain
 void Graph.drawAxis(java.awt.Graphics g, Domain domain, double c, int orientation, int type)
          This method draws an axis corresponding to a partition of an interval at position c relative to the other variable.
 void Graph.drawAxis(java.awt.Graphics g, Domain domain, double c, int orientation, int type, java.util.ArrayList list)
protected  void NormalCurve.drawAxisWithDomain(java.awt.Graphics g, Domain domain, double c, int orientation, int type, java.util.ArrayList list)
protected  void Graph.drawAxisWithDomain(java.awt.Graphics g, Domain domain, double c, int orientation, int type, java.util.ArrayList list)
 void RandomVariableGraph.setDomain(Domain d)
          This method sets the domain for the horizontal axis.