Uses of Class

Packages that use RandomVariable

Uses of RandomVariable in edu.ucla.stat.SOCR.experiments

Constructors in edu.ucla.stat.SOCR.experiments with parameters of type RandomVariable
EstimateExperiment(RandomVariable rv)
          This method initializes the experiment, including the toolbar with the sample size scroll and label, the random variable graph and table, and the statistics table.

Uses of RandomVariable in edu.ucla.stat.SOCR.util

Methods in edu.ucla.stat.SOCR.util that return RandomVariable
 RandomVariable RandomVariableGraph.getRandomVariable()
          This method returns the random variable associated with the graph.

Methods in edu.ucla.stat.SOCR.util with parameters of type RandomVariable
 void DiceDistributionGraph.setParameters(RandomVariable rv, DieDistribution dist)
 void RandomVariableTable.setRandomVariable(RandomVariable rv)
          Set the random variable
 void RandomVariableGraph.setRandomVariable(RandomVariable rv)
          This method assigns the random variable and sets up graph paramters

Constructors in edu.ucla.stat.SOCR.util with parameters of type RandomVariable
CriticalGraph(RandomVariable v)
          This general constructor creates a new random variable graph with a specified random variable.
DiceDistributionGraph(RandomVariable rv, DieDistribution dist)
MeanEstimateGraph(RandomVariable v)
          This general constructor creates a new mean estimate graph with a specified random variable.
MeanTestGraph(RandomVariable v, double tm)
          This general constructor creates a new mean test graph with a specified random variable and a specified test mean.
MedianGraph(RandomVariable v, double m)
          This general constructor creates a new median graph with a specified random variable and a specified test median.
RandomVariableGraph(RandomVariable rv)
          This general constructor creates a new random varaible graph with a specified random variable.
RandomVariableTable(RandomVariable v)
VarianceEstimateGraph(RandomVariable v)
          This general constructor creates a new variance estimate graph corresponding to a specified random variable.
VarianceTestGraph(RandomVariable v, double t)
          This general constructor creates a ndw variance test graph with a specified random variable and a specified test standard deviation.