Uses of Class

Packages that use ParameterOutOfBoundsException

Uses of ParameterOutOfBoundsException in edu.ucla.stat.SOCR.distributions

Methods in edu.ucla.stat.SOCR.distributions that throw ParameterOutOfBoundsException
 double NegativeBinomialDistribution.getMGF(double t)
          Computes the moment generating function in closed form for a parameter t which lies in the domain of the distribution.
 double LogarithmicSeriesDistribution.getMGF(double t)
          Computes the moment generating function in closed form for a parameter t which lies in the domain of the distribution.
 double LaplaceDistribution.getMGF(double t)
          Computes the moment generating function in closed form for a parameter t which lies in the domain of the distribution.
 double GumbelDistribution.getMGF(double t)
          Computes the moment generating function in closed form for a parameter t which lies in the domain of the distribution.
 double GammaDistribution.getMGF(double t)
          Computes the moment generating function in closed form for a parameter t which lies in the domain of the distribution.
 double ExponentialDistribution.getMGF(double t)
          Computes the moment generating function in closed form for a parameter t which lies in the domain of the distribution.
 double ErlangDistribution.getMGF(double t)
          Computes the moment generating function in closed form for a parameter t which lies in the domain of the distribution.