Uses of Class

Packages that use Graph

Uses of Graph in edu.ucla.stat.SOCR.modeler.gui

Subclasses of Graph in edu.ucla.stat.SOCR.modeler.gui
 class ModelerHistogramGraph

Uses of Graph in edu.ucla.stat.SOCR.util

Subclasses of Graph in edu.ucla.stat.SOCR.util
 class BallotGraph
          This class shows the graph of the random walk in the ballot experiment
 class BertrandFloor
          This class models the floor in Betrand's experiment
 class BetaGraph
          This class is a graph that shows a prior and posterior beta getDensity
 class BivariateScatterPlot
          This class models a scatterplot for a bivariate distribution.
 class CoinFloor
          This class models the floor in Buffon's coin experiment
 class CoinScatter
          This class models the scatterplot for Buffon's coin experiment
 class CriticalGraph
          This class defines a graph used in interval estimation and hypothesis testing experiments.
 class DataGraph
 class DiceDistributionGraph
 class ErrorGraph
          This class defines a special graph used in conjunction with an interactive histogram.
 class EstimateGraph
          This class models a basic graph for showing the true and estimated values of a positive parameter
 class Histogram
 class InteractiveHistogram
          This class models an interactive histogram.
 class MeanEstimateGraph
          This class defines a special graph used in the mean estimation experiment.
 class MeanTestGraph
          This class defines a special graph used in the hypothesis testing experiment for the mean in the standard normal model.
 class MedianGraph
          This is a special graph used in the sign test experiment.
 class ModelerHistogram
          This class models an interactive histogram.
 class NeedleFloor
          The floor in Buffon's needle experiment
 class NeedleScatter
          Scatterplot for Buffon's needle experiment
 class NormalCurve
          This class models an interactive histogram.
 class ProbabilityPlot
          This class models the probability plot graph in the probability plot experiment.
 class ProbabilityPlotGraph
          This class models the probability plot graph in the probability plot experiment.
 class QuantileGraph
          This class shows the getDensity function or cumulative distribution function of a specified distribuiton.
 class RandomVariableGraph
          This class defines a basic graph for displaying the distribution getDensity and moments, and the data getDensity and moments for a specified random variable
 class RandomWalkGraph
          This class models the graph of the simple ranodom walk on the interval [0, n].
 class RedBlackGraph
          This is a specialized graph used in the red-black experiment.
 class ScatterPlot
          This class defines a basic two-dimensional scatterplot that can be sub-classed.
 class Timeline
          This class defines a simple timeline for displaying random points in time
 class Triangle
          This class models a stick of unit length that can be broken in two pieces.
 class TriangleScatter
          This class defines the specialized scatterplot for the triangle experiment
 class UserScatterPlot
          This class models an interactive scatterplot
 class varHistogram
 class VarianceEstimateGraph
          This class defines a special graph used in the interval estimate experiment for the variance.
 class VarianceTestGraph
          This class models a special graph used in the hypothesis testing experiment for the variance in the standard normal model.