Uses of Class

Packages that use RandomVariableGraph

Uses of RandomVariableGraph in edu.ucla.stat.SOCR.util

Subclasses of RandomVariableGraph in edu.ucla.stat.SOCR.util
 class CriticalGraph
          This class defines a graph used in interval estimation and hypothesis testing experiments.
 class MeanEstimateGraph
          This class defines a special graph used in the mean estimation experiment.
 class MeanTestGraph
          This class defines a special graph used in the hypothesis testing experiment for the mean in the standard normal model.
 class MedianGraph
          This is a special graph used in the sign test experiment.
 class VarianceEstimateGraph
          This class defines a special graph used in the interval estimate experiment for the variance.
 class VarianceTestGraph
          This class models a special graph used in the hypothesis testing experiment for the variance in the standard normal model.